I was asked over the weekend, just as I was getting ready to do my grocery shopping for the week, to bring a vegetarian dish to Thanksgiving dinner. Due to some family health issues, I was anticipating an extremely hectic and unpredictable few days leading up to Thanksgiving, so I had to scramble quickly to find an easy recipe that I felt I could tackle with the limited time I had. Luckily, I recalled seeing a China Millman article in the Post-Gazette a few weeks ago that featured Thanksgiving recipes by several local chefs. I skimmed through the dozen or so recipes and decided on the
Sweet Potatoes with Black Pepper Fluff and Toasted Pecans, adapted from Chef Chris Bonfil of Avenue B in Shadyside, only without the marshmallow fluff at R.'s mom's request. The list of ingredients is simple yet interesting: yams, olive oil, onion, bourbon (!), heavy cream, and toasted pecans. I have never cooked anything with bourbon before, and I was very curious as to how this would turn out.
Sweet Potatoes with Toasted Pecans |
I am happy to report that this was a hit at the Thanksgiving table! I might use a little less heavy cream in the future, as I ended up with more sauce than I needed. Otherwise, the recipe was great, even without the marshmallow fluff. Thanks, Chef Bonfili!
Check out the
Red Wine Cranberry Sauce I made and
photos of other dishes at our Thanksgiving dinner.
Recipe courtesy of:
Avenue B Chef Chris Bonfili, via China Millman of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (article and recipe