I love all things pumpkin in the fall! Pumpkin pie is one of my favorite desserts. I discovered this twist on a traditional pumpkin pie a few years ago and had hoped to make it for Thanksgiving at some point, but the fact that I always have to travel for the holiday makes it a practical challenge to prepare and bring a frozen dessert. So finally, this year, I gave up on the idea of saving this pie for Thanksgiving. Instead, I made it and shared it with a few friends at home. I should note that the among these friends were three other food bloggers, so it was pretty risky to serve them a dessert I had never made before! Luckily, they seemed to like it a lot. The gingersnap crust, in particular, got high praise, and I'd have to agree it was a pretty brilliant crust. I bet it'd be a great crust for a pumpkin cheesecake. Also, the use of low-fat ice cream makes this pie a low-calorie treat.
Frozen Pumpkin Mousse Pie |
A couple of notes: I had to double the amount of oil that was called for for the crust as the crumb was not sticking together. However, I realize later that I was probably just working with too much crumb to begin with, so I need to watch for that next time. Also, while the low-fat ice cream made this dessert less fattening, I personally wish the filling were creamier. But that's probably just the ice cream snob in me talking! It is a darn good dessert as it is and I'm generally happy with it, as evidenced by the fact that R. and I gobbled up the rest of the pie in a matter of days. :)
Recipe courtesy of:
Eating Well (get the recipe